Encouragement Encounters
Videos of families sharing evidence of Christ’s presence in their lives
Before the beginning of time, God's intent for a family has been a lifelong commitment of one man and one woman. After marriage, God intended for the husband and wife to procreate. Adam and Eve were the only ones to experience no shame, hurt, or pain and a flawless relationship.
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame." Genesis 2:24-25
Eve was walking in the garden, a day like any other day, until the serpent, Satan, extended a dishonest invitation to Eve. Eve took the enticement and shared it with her husband. One poor choice disrupted all of creation. Immediately, the brokenness of the first man and woman led to the brokenness of us all.
How does God’s grace transforms our broken lives?
We are all broken from sin, but God’s grace transforms our lives. Let's concentrate on the family structure. God's intent was for one man and one woman to commit to marriage for their entire earthly life. However, our brokenness has shaped family structures beyond God's family design. But our stories don't have to end in the brokenness of our sins. Despite all the different family structures, there is evidence of Jesus working in our lives today. God restores, heals, and transforms! God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness are for you to receive freely.
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you.'" 2 Corinthians 12:9a
When we understand our story ends with God's grace, we can celebrate family hardships.
Charles Spurgeon wrote, "It is easy to believe in grace for the past and the future, but to rest in it for the immediate necessity is true faith. Believer, it is now that grace is sufficient: even at this moment it is enough for thee."
God may or may not remove the hardship or pain your family is going through, but the Lord extends active grace to you now. There is nothing you need to change before receiving his lovingkindness and acceptance. Stories encourage us, yet only the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, transforms our life.
The Encouragement Encounter testimonial series will have many different types of family structures. You will hear about their families' hardships, pain, or brokenness. But each account does not end there; God's grace is enough for them, and they celebrate this truth. The testimonies of these families will encourage you and increase your hope in the Lord!
Check out our Encouragement Encounters videos below.
Thank you, BKWEB Productions, for donating your time and talent to film these faithful families.
We would be honored to know your family's Encouragement Encounter, please share with us at deeplyrootedfamilyministries@gmail.com.